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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  February 1, 2013 2:00pm-4:00pm EST

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>> and at least then we'll have a chance to talk about school choice. i look forward to that. and hopefully getting the president to move for our nation. >> lisa leslie, a great interview. a lot of fun with her. that's it for me. brooke baldwin, take it away. during this show, we'll find out if the dow closes at an all-time high. but, it may not mean a thing for our economy. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. a prosecutor gunned down in a parking lot. and now a warning. >> i hope that the people that did this are watching. we're going to find you. we're going to pull you out of whatever hole you're in, and we're going to bring you back. plus, live during this hour, you'll see hillary clinton say good-bye in her last moments as america's top diplomat. and super bowl bets. will alicia keys get booed?
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will jay-z join his wife at halftime. in vegas, it is all up for grabs. here we go. top of the hour. happy friday to you. i'm brooke baldwin. something is happening today that hasn't happened in more than five years. it is great news for a lot of you, of course, saving for retirement or to save a child for college, for example. the stock market is soaring to levels we really haven't seen since 2007 which is all the way back there. checking out the big board with me, it has been a huge day at this moment, two hours away from the closing bell. we are above that 14,000 mark at 14,012. keep in mind that big high, october 9th, 2007, the big high was 14,164. we're close and we're watching it. alison kosik live for me on the floor of the new york stock
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exchange. alison, a great day, could be an even better day. what you to think our chances are of actually hitting that record, surpassing the record? >> hitting the record of 14,164 and even surpassing it today, i don't think that's going to happen. at the very least, you probably will see the dow close at 14,000 or maybe a little bit above. and it really was -- it really was this jobs report that is juicing stocks, showed 157,000 jobs were added to the economy in january. not just the jobs report. we also got a positive consumer confidence report, a positive manufacturing report, showing positive numbers for the month of january. so that positive momentum was there and it took the jobs report to kind of push the dow over the edge, brooke. >> so we're talking so much about the dow jones. i think we thought it was important to talk s&p 500 as well. we have a chart i want to show here because, you know, this really is the basis for many index funds, we regular folks invest in, right? so, again, the ups and downs in
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the s&p as well, approaching record territory too. so what is behind the big recovery, you think? >> when you look at the dow, the s&p 500, the fact of the matter is parts of the economy are improving. maybe not consistent, but we are seeing parts. the biggest factor driving the market higher, especially the s&p 500 and the dow is the fed. the fed is buying up mortgage-backed securities and bonds, basically lowering interest rates, making it so investors feel like they have nowhere to go to really make some money. they're putting their money into stocks. so a lot of this is about the fed, but you talk to one economist who says it is even more than that. listen to what he had to say. >> we are at an all time high in earnings, so on the basis of earnings, which is the most important determinant of stock prices, i think we're fully justified. in terms of the economy, certainly we're not back to where we were in 2007. unemployment was 4%, 5% then.
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it does mean that investors are optimistic and are looking towards an improving economy in 2013. >> and evidence of that, brooke, is just the fourth quarter earnings season. the last three months of last year. fourth quarter earnings have come out pretty good. look at apple the past week, exxonmobil, they reported record-breaking profits. so when you talk about why the market is as high as it is, it really depends who you ask as to how important it is. and the real deciding factor will come in march when congress is expected to take up the issue of spending cuts again. that could turn things around. you could see the market do a 180 and start going the other way. >> right, sequestration, we'll see how the numbers respond, of course. they will. alison kosik for me in new york, appreciate it. now to cairo. look at the scene. this is just outside of the presidential palace. thousands of opponents of the president of mohamed morsi
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there, hurling, saw the smoke there, rushing, molotov cocktails, setting off fireworks at the outer wall of the palace compound. at one point, a fire began burning at entrance. look at this. police have retaliated. they have fired water canons, tossing tear gas at these crowds that are growing larger and larger. i want to go straight to cairo to our senior international correspondent, ben wedeman who is there for us. jim clancy walk on in, i want you to be part of this discussion as well for me here. jim clancy and ben wedeman. ben, first to you, because, you know, i think two years ago there you were, we were talking about the protest toppling hosni mubarak. flash forward two years, thousands of people furious with the current president. what do they want? >> reporter: i think really it is a fundamental split between his opponents and his followers. they're divided over the specific constitution that was pushed through by mohamed morsi, written up and approved by more
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or less members of -- supporters of his political party, the freedom and justice party. and most of these people you're seeing now, they don't see really a political resolution to this crisis. they want to see mohamed morsi out of power, they want to see the muslim brotherhood of which he's a member pushed out of power. they feel that it is an organization that has an 80-year history of operating in the shadows with a secret agenda. here in cairo, in alexandria, the cities along the suez canal and cities in the delta as well, we're seeing large demonstrations. and, of course, in cairo, becoming quite violent, this really does seem to be shaking the foundations of the government of mohamed morsi, who has come out and said that the security forces will act decisively to put down and protect the government institutions, he's blaming the opposition for allowing these
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demonstrations to happen. but what appears fairly apparent is that he doesn't seem to have much control over what is going on in the streets of cairo and other egyptian cities. >> ben, stand by. jim clancy, my question to you, what has the muslim brotherhood, what has president morsi said so far. you hear ben talking about the people want them out. they elected him. >> well, a majority of them elected him and some of them are very angry and they regret that election. i think what president morsi display done right is to pull his own supporters off the streets, to prevent things from getting any worse. to prevent them from getting any worse. he's also reached out to other politicians and said, well, why don't you pull your people back too. there is a sense perhaps by mr. morsi that somehow he can manage this and it doesn't look like he can manage it at all. the question is whether the street is ruling egypt today.
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>> ben wedeman, do you agree with clancy here, that -- where does this go next? >> i think tonight may be critical. we have heard the muslim brotherhood saying they're not going to send their supporters out into the street and so far it has not occurred. it did occur back in december when there were demonstrations also outside of that presidential palace where there were bloody clashes between supporters and opponents of the muslim brotherhood. if those supporters of the brotherhood don't go out into the streets, and do practice some restraint, then a real es calation of the situation could be avoided. we're seeing harsh language coming from the opponents of the brotherhood. there doesn't seem to be anything on the street. it is important to emphasize on the street, as opposed to what politicians are saying. there doesn't seem to be any willingness to compromise, to somehow live through three more
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years of a muslim brotherhood-led government. they want that government out now. and it is another important thing to stress, brooke, is that what i've seen is that the people who are clashing, throwing rocks at the police and fighting with them, they don't listen to the politicians. they feel they have been marginalized and have no role in egyptian politics today. >> incredible to think two years ago we were seeing fireworks of such a different kind. ben wedeman for me in cairo, jim clancy in atlanta, thank you, both, gentlemen, very much. in illinois and in indiana today, a frantic search is under way for a convicted killer. we're not talking about some elaborate escape here. oh, no. you see this guy, this is a dangerous murderer who is accidentally released. his name is steven robins. he was taken to court in chicago on some minor drug charges. the charges were dropped. but after the hearing, instead of being returned to this indiana prison to continue serving his 60-year sentence for murder, cook county officials
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let him walk free. cnn's ted rowlands is in chicago, outside that cook county jail. ted, how does this happen? >> reporter: well, there are a lot of questions, brooke, as to how it happened. talking to indiana prison officials, they say steven robins, when he left their custody, he had with him paperwork, very clear that said do not let this prisoner go. and that is exactly what happened. he was led outside the main gates here, outside the jail, on wednesday night, after a very short hearing, and makes you think why he was even here in the first place. he apparently tried to deal with this 21-year-old issue of an old warrant for him, by mail, from prison, where he's serving a 60-year prison term. he filed the paperwork, but it was returned and denied because it didn't have a $5 filing fee. so instead cook county went to indiana, picked him up, drove him back here, he was in court for a matter of minutes, and then he was just let go. so right now there is a manhunt
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on for him and there are a lot of questions for the folks here at cook county. unbelievably, brooke, this happened in 2009, same scenario, prisoner from mississippi came up for an unrelated charge, he was serving a manslaughter term, they let him go. that prisoner turned himself in. the hope is that mr. stevens does the same. >> stunning, ted rowlands, thank you, ted. doctors are revealing why a pilot passed out, midflight. stick around for this one. an about-face involving obama care. remember when religious groups were up in arms about a contraception mandate? we talked so much about that. suddenly now a compromise. how this impacts you. next. w! oil changes at meineke are always a great deal.
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then you're going to love this. right now they're only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won't last. just in to me here at cnn, we're learning why an alaskan airlines pilot passed out midflight. the plane was taking off from los angeles last night. i want to go to renee more, in washington. renee, before we get to what doctors are saying about this, give met back story. >> that's right. you know, this is -- imagine being on this plane, so scary to hear the details here. the flight was midair when the pilot essentially passed out. there were 116 people on the
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plane and five crew members as well. again, that plane now because the pilot passed out had to make an emergency landing at portland international airport in oregon. at that point when that pilot passed out, we understand that the co-pilot had to take over the controls. this co-pilot has been with alaska airlines for some 11 years now. so he took over the controls. meantime, passengers who were on that plane said that they saw attendants running up the aisles. they ran quickly to the cockpit and then another passenger said when the cockpit door opened, they witnessed the crew members laying that pilot down on the ground and they started to treat the pilot. luckily there was a doctor who happened to be on board of that plane. we will fast-forward and let you know that that plane did land safely. so what happened here, what happened to this pilot, well, we did speak to alaska airlines and they say that doctors believe that the pilot either had food
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poisoning or it was the flu virus that caused him to pass out. but at this hour, alaska airlines saying that the pilot is doing better. back to you. >> okay. rene marsh, thank you. one of the most controversial aspects of the president's health care reform, forcing all employers, whatever their beliefs, to offer contraception coverage. well, now the obama administration is offering religious groups a way out. it is a compromise that still allows workers of religious organizations to get birth control. elizabeth cohen here with me now. so a compromise announced today. how does it work? >> it is a compromise aimed at putting as much distance as possible between these employers, religious nonprofits, who don't like birth control who are against it, and the actual birth control itself. as you said, their employees, some of them want their health insurance to cover birth control. here are the main points of what they're going to do or what the proposal is, i should say. women will get free birth
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control under this compromise, under this plan. these employees will get free birth control. insurance companies will pay for it and the birth control will be offered as a separate benefit from the employees' regular health insurance that they get from the place where they work. so the reason why that last part is important, it is a separate benefit, again, is that it puts as much distance as possible between the employer, who doesn't like birth control, and the birth control. >> even though there is the distance, i imagine religious organizations are -- have something to say about this today. >> i imagine they will. the u.s. conference of bishops, they have been very vocal on this but put out a press rele e release. it gets very complicated. >> insurance companies footing the bill. how are any feeling about that? >> well, two parts of that. one, insurance companies know that when you give a woman birth control, you end up saving a lot of money in the end, right? not paying for her pregnancy, not paying for the birth, not
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paying to take care of the child, once the child is born. they know they'll save money. another thing is that in some cases, insurance companies have to -- that have to pay fees to the federal government for obama care, they won't have to pay some of those fees. >> they won't. >> right. so that's where it gets complicated. insurance companies, they haven't put out their official statement yet but they're financially taken care of to a great degree in this plan. we're hearing secretary of state hillary clinton has just turned in her resignation. and any minute now she is expected to say good-bye, one last time. we'll show it to you live. love about her. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity.
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some of the hottest stories in a flash, rapid fire. roll it.
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any minute now, we'll carry this for you live, hillary clinton's good-bye. but first, also leaving the obama administration today, energy secretary steven chu. he says he will stay on until late february or maybe a little beyond that. chu was a leadinged avoluntary kalt f advocate for alternative energy development. chu says he would like to return to teaching and to research. superstorm sandy left new york littered with enough debris to fill the empire state building three times over. but now more than 95% of that debris has been removed. that's what we're getting according to fema. homeowners, neighbors, volunteers pitched in to help these workers remove the debris in 95 days. just this week, as we have reported, congress approved $51 billion in disaster relief for
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the victims. terse response from senator robert menendez to allegations he partied with prostitutes during trips to the caribbean. reporters caught up with the new jersey democrat after an event last night, asked him if he had violated campaign finance laws on the trips. here was his response. >> anonymous allegations. >> menendez released a statement earlier calling the allegations false. and the work of a right wing blog, he said. the allegations were first reported by the online publication the daily caller. what does kmart need with ten pounds of marijuana? yeah. it doesn't need that. but a package full of pot arrived to one of its stores in seattle this week. the package originated in los angeles, never made it to its destination in philadelphia, the seattle kmart was listed as the return address. a huge stash. i'm talking hundreds.
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look at this. never before seen pictures of the beatles has been found. take a look. fab four meeting with their guru and others. folks, these are behind the scenes pictures from when the band was shooting the film "help" in the bahamas. how did we get these? a photographer recently found his negatives for the photos and decided to publish them. we're hearing secretary of state hillary clinton has just turned in her resignation. any minute, take a look at the live pictures, she's expected to say good-bye one final time. stay right here. we'll take it live on cnn. [ whistle blows ] hi victor! mom? i know you got to go in a minute
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but this is a real quick meal, that's perfect for two! campbell's chunky beef with country vegetables, poured over rice! [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right. poured over rice! music: "make someone happy" music: "make someone happy" ♪it's so important to make meone happy.♪.♪it's so e ♪make just one heart to heart you - you sing to♪ ♪one smile that cheers you ♪one face that lights when it nears you.♪ ♪and you will be happy too.
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i'm jake tapper live in washington where any minute secretary of state hillary clinton will say good-bye to the department she's led for the past four years. clinton, expected to address state department employees, for the very last time. and it comes hours after a terrorist attack on the u.s. embassy in turkey, a suicide bomber who was reportedly associated with a radical leftist group killed a turkish security guard in broad daylight. after clinton leaves today, former senator john kerry, democrat of massachusetts, will take the oath to become president obama's second secretary of state. i am sitting here, of course, with john king, and gloria
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borger. john, you have been covering soon to be former secretary of state hillary clinton for more than two decades. do you think, are you convinced that this is truly farewell? >> no. i think this is closing a chapter. i don't think it is the last chapter. the big question is, is the next chapter running for president? many think yes. she said she'll think about that down the road. i take her at her word. she said she wants to feel what it is like to not be tired, wants to spend time with chelsea. i think on this day, we should remember she's the living, breathing example of the ark of women in politics in power. the good, the progress that has been made and sometimes the rough and tumble, when she was first lady of arkansas she wanted to be hillary rodham clinton. she's back at hillary rodham clinton. and a lot of -- >> i don't know if we can show that letter, her resignation let, i hereby resign as secretary of state and signed it
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hillary rodham clinton, which is a signature we haven't actually seen much in the last four years. >> she had to almost take it back and not apologize but explain to the people of arkansas, this was south -- the first time you had -- it was a working spouse. she's the most powerful woman in american history, probably, but at that point, just having -- he was the governor, she was working with the children's defense fund, doing other things with her law degree. it was controversial at the time. imagine that. that's 20 years ago. 1990s. now you're in 1992, i was at an event in chicago where she caused a huge stir when she said, i suppose i could have stayed home and baked cookies and had tea. i decided to fulfill my profession. >> she didn't do it. >> gloria, one of the things that i think a lot of pundits in washington predicted when president obama or then president-elect obama tapped then senator hillary clinton to become the secretary of state is there would be leaks coming from her state department, that there would be -- this would be a tension-filled relationship.
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>> hatfields and mccoys. >> on "60 minutes", it was a love fest. >> right. i think this is a testament really to hillary clinton. they were the hatfields and the mccoys. it's true. >> real animosity between them. >> animosity, hard fought campaign, the two were not close. and it was down to the wire. and he picks her first among rivals to become his secretary of state. i wasn't sure she was going to do it. but she did. once she did, the word went down, you've got to be loyal to this president, and so even though the staffs are still not close, by the way, you don't see a lot of leaks coming out of the state department saying, you know, the white house really mishandled libya or afghanistan. that hasn't occurred and i think that's one of the reasons the president is so grateful to her, because she's been such a team player. >> we hear cheers and see secretary of state hillary clinton walking through the crowd as she prepares to say
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good-bye to her employees at the state department and her last day as secretary of state. former massachusetts senator john kerry will, of course, take her place and be sworn in after secretary clinton bids farewell. she's submitted her resignation letter to president obama and we're expecting her to make her remarks. jill dougherty is there at the state department. what is the mood like there? >> i can hear all the way down the hall. i'm in the booth, all the way down the hall. i can hear the yelling. it is very exciting. and it will be an emotional thing. this is where she said hello to the staff, and four years ago, and now in the same location she is going to say good-bye. there is a lot of emotion, a lot of stuff this state department has been through, especially over the last few months. so you're going to hear her obviously say thank you, but i think the crowd itself, the staff here, many of whom go out into the field and risk their
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lives, will be very emotional. >> all right. jill dougherty, let's listen in. >> but none of us will ever forget your extraordinary leadership and each of us will always be deeply proud to say that we served in hillary clinton's state department. and so now it's my great honor to introduce one last time the 67th secretary of state of the united states of america, hillary rodham clinton. >> oh -- thank you.
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thank you. well, just standing here, looking out at all of you, the people i have been honored to serve and lead and work with over the last four years is an incredible experience. when i came in to this building, as the secretary of state four years ago, and received such a warm welcome, i knew there was something really special about this place. and that having the honor to lead the state department and usaid would be unique and singular, exciting and challenging. it has been all of those things and so much more. i cannot fully express how
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grateful i am to those with whom i have spent many hours here in washington, around the world, and in airplanes. but i'm proud of the work we have done to elevate diplomacy and development, to serve the nation we all love, to understand the challenges, the threats, and the opportunities that the united states faces, and to work with all our heart and all of our might, to make sure that america is secure, that our interests are promoted, and our values are respected. as i look back over these past four years, i am very proud of the work we have done together. of course we live in very
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complex and even dangerous times as we saw again just today at our embassy in ankara, where we were attacked and lost one of our foreign service nationals and others injured. but i spoke with the ambassador and the team there. i spoke with my turkish counterpart, and i told them how much we valued their commitment and their sacrifice. i know that the world we are trying to help bring into being, in the 21st century, will have many difficult days. but i am more optimistic today than i was when i stood here
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four years ago. because i have seen day after day the many contributions that our diplomats and development experts are making to help ensure that this century provides the kind of peace, progress and prosperity that not just the united states but the entire world, especially young people so richly deserve. i am very proud to have been secretary of state. i will miss you. i will probably be dialing up just to talk. i will wonder what you all are doing, because i know that because of your efforts day
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after day we are making a real difference. but i leave this department confident, confident about the direction we have set, confident that the process of the qddr, which we started for the first time, has enabled us to ask hard questions about what we do, how we do it, and whether we can do it even better. because state and aid have to always be learning organizations. we owe it to ourselves. we owe it to the president. we owe it to the american people. and so i will be an advocate from outside, for the work that you continue to do here and at a.i.d. so it has been quite a challenging week saying good-bye to so many people. and knowing that i will not have
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the opportunity to continue being part of this amazing team. but i am so grateful that we have had a chance to contribute in each of our ways to making our country and our world stronger, safer, fairer, and better. those of you who are staying, as many of you will, please know that i hope you will redouble your efforts to do all that you can to demonstrate unequivocally why diplomacy and development are right up there with defense. how when we think about who we are as americans, it's because we are united and committed across our government, to do whatever is required, to fulfill
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the missions we have assumed as public officials and public servants. so next week, i would expect that all of you will be as focused and dedicated for secretary kerry as you have been for me, and that you will continue to teserve president obama and our nation with the same level of professionalism and commitment that i have seen firsthand. on a personal basis, let me wish all of you the very best, whether you've been here a week or 30 or even 40 years, pat. let me give you the very best wishes that i can because i'm
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proud to have been a part of you. i leave thinking of the nearly 70,000 people that i was honored to serve and lead as part of a huge extended family. and i hope that you will continue to make yourselves, make me, and make our country proud. thank you, all, and god bless you. >> soon to be former secretary of state hillary clinton speaking to some of the 69,000 state department employees, who she is bidding farewell to today, soon to be replaced by former massachusetts senator john kerry. jill dougherty is in the room. jill, there is a lot of praise for the secretary today. soon to be former secretary
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today. but her record is not an unblemished one, particularly in recent months because of the attack on the u.s. compound in benghazi, she's taken some heat as of late. >> yes. that's true. i mean, if you look at it in the benghazi attack especially, that is a big blemish. it raised all sorts of questions about security. but, you know, jake, i think that -- how long-term that will affect her legacy is still a question. really, what she did and this is a debate that is going on right now, did she really change the office? did she do something? did she accomplish something? and the debate is really look at the middle east. she didn't solve the middle east. look at russia, going down the tubes fast. look at the arab spring countries, in complete turmoil. and also china. not particularly good. you can go down the list and on some of the hard issues, those really traditional foreign
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policy international policy issues. some critics would say she didn't accomplish much of anything and she leaves john kerry a pretty fragile world. other people would say, no, she actually injected into the conversation, changed the conversation about international policy. what she talked about and what she followed through on were the issues of women's development, economic development, children, family and increasing the conversation as she would put it with people around the world, not just talking to governments, but beginning this two-way conversation with people all over the world. so that debate is going to go on for a long time. >> we're watching secretary of state hillary clinton say farewell to some of the 69,000 state department employees. john king and gloria borger are here in the studio with me. she has now a record high in the
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washington post/abc news poll. a 67% favorability rating and from december, democrats, 65% of democrates say they're likely to support hillary clinton if she seeks the democratic nomination for president in 2016. >> it is never going to -- >> all downhill from there. >> all downhill from there. this is somebody who has been out of politics, when you're secretary of state, there is an imposed moratorium on your political life. and that's worked really well for hillary clinton. because what she's done, when she was running for senator, she did a listening tour of the state of new york, she was secretary of state, she did a listening tour of the entire world, right? over a million miles we have heard all of the numbers. so the question that i have is, she's so popular now, she hasn't been in politics, if she decides to re-engage in the political world, how does she do that? we saw her at those benghazi
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hearings. she did, i believe, want to get angry at senator johnson. but did she do it in the best way? i personally think that it could have been handled better than it was. and that she might have asked the wrong question. the question she asked is what does it matter? the answer is, yes, it does matter. we'll have to see how and if she re-engages in politics and whether she's better at it the next time around than she was when she lost to barack obama. >> that's why it is such hard and personal question. the vice president of the united states, joe biden, would be a formidable contender. he would be the oldest man. hillary clinton is just behind him. there is an age question, a health question. if you look at rest of the field, no offense to governor cuomo or o'malley or hickenlooper or anybody else out there, they're not in hillary clinton's league. when they come to her in six months or 18 months and say here is the data, we can raise the money, she has to make such an intensely personal decision, do i want to get back to being so popular on a bipartisan basis
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around the world, not just the country, to being that polarizing figure again. think how important she's been in the last two democratic administrations. one was her husband's. he would not have been president. the gennifer flowers scandal might have brought him down if she wouldn't have stood by him. she was critical to him politically and a policy standpoint. and you can look at the rooecor and raise questions. after the bush administration and u.s. credibility, mostly because of the iraq war, and the pad feelings about that, she did at least raise up the stature of the united states because she came to the job already, a celebrity. >> she is a total rock star. i would argue that if she does decide to run, the waters part and every other democrat steps aside because she would have a very, very good chance of beating any republican. we'll take a quick break. brooke baldwin will be on the other side of this. that was secretary of state
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hillary clinton saying farewell and i say farewell as well. (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest exactly how they want. with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine.
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how about that animation? super bowl wager doesn't have to be about sports. you can bet on anything. just about anything these days, including little something called prop bets. you heard of this? here is a couple of examples. so what are the odds jay-z would join beyonce on stage during the halftime performance? or how long will it take alisha keys to sing the national anthem. or how long will the post game handshake or hug last between coaching brothers jim and john harbaugh. i want to bring in bleacher report national lead writer dan leavy. welcome. i know you wrote an article about the super bowl prop bets to avoid this year. give me your top three to avoid.
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>> i love prop bets. here's -- the first one i would avoid is the coin toss. everybody loves to bet the coin toss. i hate it. one, the money isn't even. you have to pay more than you'll get. and it is 50/50. if you lose the coin toss, i think it puts a bad taste in your mouth for the entire rest of the game. i hate that. i've bet heads, always bet heads, it ends up tails, it ruins the whole super bowl. >> what else? >> the other one, the coach's challenge, phenomenal, you can bet on whether the first challenge of the game will be overturned or upheld. i wouldn't bet this if i saw the play that they were going to challenge. i still would have no idea what the ref was going to do. to bet that inne ed advance, i you have a problem. and then the third one, beyonce. you can bet whether her hair will be straight or crimped, what color shirt she's going to wear. >> people bet on this stuff? i know you're saying no, but --
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>> well, people do. and the funny thing about this, i wrote about this, with that and how many times the harbaughs will be shown on tv, their parents, i wonder if people who have the ability to control these, the directors, the wardrobe people, i wonder if they may be sneaking little bets. somebody knows what beyonce's hair is going to look like. >> watch the twitter. dan leavy, thank you so much. note to self, don't bet on the hair. for super bowl eye candy. madison avenue's commercial ad blitz, usually provocative ads, but this year, some hot guys with toned abs making their super bowl debut. here's a peek. ♪ >> oh, my goodness. i think i'm blushing right now.
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let me bring in geek factory's branding and social media consultant peter shankman in new york. i'm, like, whoo, this is on tv. >> how are you doing, brooke? >> i'm all right. i'm all right. so this is calvin klein and super bowl. they have never done a super bowl ad before. so why now? >> well, there are a couple of reasons. first of all, women tend to buy men's underwear for their guys. underwear is purchased by women. secondly, look who is headlining the halftime show, beyonce. you'll get a huge spike in the number of women watching the super bowl this year if for no other reason just for that. and third, it is an interesting commercial because super bowl has been primarily men watching hot women. and this is a really nice turn of play. it is going to be interesting to see what the critics are saying the next morning when they're critiquing all the commercials because it shuts down this is so sexist, the commercials are sexist toward women -- >> a little equity. >> and i would kill for those abs, come on. >> this isn't your body double,
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peter shankman? get out of here. there is a new go daddy ad, the lip locking session featuring a supermodel getting a little cozy with a nerd. watch the clip. so, listen, i watched this and i thought, how many times -- i'm sure this guy was, like, yeah, we need a retake. i wonder how many takes they did with this. i'm a little uncomfortable watching such serious -- >> it is way too close. way too close of an image. that's what go daddy is famous for. this guy will never do a better commercial for the rest of his life. but go daddy is famous for pushing the envelope. they're also famous, one of the first companies to say, hey, our commercial was banned and use that as a way to get people to go to their website, go online and see the real one and while you're there, buy a few domain
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names. they take it to the -- >> they take it to the edge. indeed. go daddy. peter shankman, thank you. that was fun. >> my pleasure, brooke. before you watch super bowl xlvii on sunday, find out what leads to the city of new orleans. watch our bleacher report special with rachel nichols tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. we're talking to rachel at the top of the hour. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes?
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and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. to travel whenever you want. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can...
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when you think about americans who made the ultimate
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sacrifice, you think of our men and women in military, don't you who have lost their lives in various countries around the world. today, nasa wants you to look to the skies and remember that our attempt to conquer space, while wondrous and limitless, has caught this country 24 space pioneers. >> pilot william mccool, and mission specialist michael anderson. >> it was ten years ago today the nation lost seven of them when "columbia" broke apart during re-entry. in 1986, another seven astronauts died when "the challenger" space shuttle exploded after takeoff. and back in 1967, three astronauts died while training for the apollo one mission. a fire ignited inside a command module during the training. so today, nasa held a wreath laying ceremony in honor of the fallen, which also includes seven astronauts and test pilots who died in training.
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♪ >> today is the day of remembrance. we remember the astronauts who took the daring step of accepting the challenge of space flight. and for the "columbia" crew, their mission was a fulfillment of their dreams. to have an adventure. >> the sorrow and impact of the tragedy of all of our families has been extreme. but just as a forest fire reduces beautiful foliage into ashes, those ashes ultimately become nourishment for new healthy growth. there are indeed small green chutes of hope that are springing up in our lives. >> their work does not come without tremendous risk and tragedy. our failures are cause for reflection. today's anniversary of
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"columbia," like the anniversaries of apollo one and "challenger" last week are a call to rededicate ourselves to the mission to which so many of us have given so much and a few have given all. ... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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top of the hour here for you on this friday. we're less than one hour away from the closing bell on wall
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street on what could turn out to be a milestone day for stocks. we're watching that 14,000 mark very, very closely. all day, the dow jones industrial average has been flirting with 14,000. even surpassing it a couple of times. keep in mind, that is a level we have not seen since 2007, october of '07, at 14,164. take a look at this. the s&p 500 as well, which is used for many of those popular index mutual funds, also crossing a milestone, approaching record territory. again, quick look at the big board and we saw that number just under the 14,000 mark. there it is. there she is, alison kosik, at the new york stock exchange for me. and here we are, an hour away from the closing bell, tell me about the mood there. >> the mood, we're watching the dow fall just below the 14,000 mark, darn. but the people on the floor are still pretty peppy. not many long faces. don't expect the dow to close at its all time high you mentioned of 14,164, but may come close to
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14,000. maybe a little bit below, but it is significant that the intraday trade did reach the 14,000 level. the moment of truth is going to be during this hour, brooke, because this is when -- this is the time when you'll see investors try to shore up their positions before the weekend. brooke? >> also big day for google, right? >> it is. we're watching google shares hit an all time high of $775. it had an ipo in 2004, at $85. that makes it up more than, what, 800% in eight years. you're having google riding on the coattails of the broader market today. with all the hype and focus we give to apple, we forget there is another $700 tech giant in town. investors are buying in today because -- in hopes the company is getting close to settling an antitrust case in europe. google has been really the focus of this three-year investigation that has been going on in the eu and to its search business there, the dominance of the
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google search engine. also helping the stock move higher today, brooke, wireless carriers activating a million android devices per day, giving apple a run for its money. >> good for those folks who got in when getting was good in '04. alison kosik, thank you. broad picture, let's talk to jill schlessinger. jill, i knew i liked you. i was reading a piece today where you quoted the grateful dead in talking about the ups and downs of the dow jones. give me that line. >> it has been a long, strange trip. come on, now. just think about this, in the summer of 2007, we first crossed 14,000. and that was well before anyone really, the broad public understood we're about to become sucked into the precipice of disaster by the financial sector. so, of course, 14,000 doesn't feel quite as good this time around and frankly a lot of retail investors have not yet gotten back into the market
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after these last five or six bruising years, who could blame them. it has been agonizing. >> but, here's my debbie downer question, right? we talked so much about the excitement on wall street today, of course. but wall street and main street don't always go hand and hand. we were talking the last quarter reports, 2012, the economy contracted, you look at the jobs number, didn't add as many as expected. what gives. what is the deal with the -- it is not all mirroring one another. >> well, look, there is always a dichotomy between the stock market and the economy there. they are two different things. let's talk about the economy for a second. we added a bunch of jobs in january, 157,000. we got positive revisions to 2012 that really helped the numbers, so on average we added 181,000 jobs last year. it is good. it is not great. and, frankly, we have not recovered all the jobs that we lost during the recession. and so go tell us one of the 12 million people who were unemployed the situation is getting better and they'll say thanks a lot, but not better for
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me. what is happening in this economy is we're in a slow growth recovery. there is no way you can sugar coat it. 2%, 2.25%, that's not good growth, that's subpar. and as a result we're just not creating enough jobs to put a dent in our unemployment rate. 7.9%, i'm glad it is below 8%. that's still really high. >> we talk about the numbers, the dow at 14,000, which is significant, of course, directly, but the 8% mark, such a psychological thing as well. good for the economy. needs to get better. jill, thank you so much. >> thanks. in the turkish capital of ankara, a suicide bomber attacked the u.s. embassy, killing himself and a turkish security guard. take a look here, google earth. you'll see the scene outside the embassy today. police there on the ground, scrambling as are u.s. officials, trying to find out
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who did this and why. >> suicide bombing and the perimeter of an embassy is by definition an act of terror. it is a terrorist attack. however, we do not know at this point who is responsible or the motivations behind the attack. the attack itself is clearly an act of terror. >> no americans were hurt, but all personnel were moved into safe rooms inside the building. and you can see, look with me here, there is a gaping hole in one side of the building. this was the tourist embassy entrance. and now this. you're going to see the man, here he is, turkish police identified as the suicide bomber. a man also involved in attacks on a police station in istanbul back in 1997. our senior international correspondent ivan watson joins me now from istanbul. i know you have visited this embassy multiple times. how secure is the compound?
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>> reporter: well, it looks like it worked. this was the first real line of defense. the bunker-like structure that visitors and embassy personnel have to go through. that's where the bomber seems to have set off his or her explosives. and sadly it is the turkish guards who work in that location who bore the brunt of the blast. one of them being killed. and the u.s. ambassador in ankara had the following to say about this casualty. take a listen. >> right now we are all dealing with our sadness at the loss of our fellow member of our embassy. we salute his bravery, his service to turkey and to turkish-american friendship. our hearts go out to his family. >> reporter: and there was also a woman, a turkish television reporter seriously injured and hospitalized now in the wake of this suicide bombing.
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brooke? >> tell me, ivan, what more do we know about the suspected suicide bomber himself. >> reporter: well, the turkish authorities have pointed to one group in particular that they have identified as an illegal leftist terrorist organization. and sources have told our sister organization cnn turk that it is known by the acronym dhkpc or the revolutionary people's liberation party front. and they have also singled out the man they think carried out the bombing. a man by the name of edgevit shanley. in 1997 he was convicted of firing a rocket at a turkish police headquarters and served jail time and was eventually released after having gone on hunger strike and suffering some kind of brain damage. the fingers are being pointed that the leftist organization that just last month turkish security forces arrested dozens
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of suspected members of this group, the dhkpc. so, again, that's who the prime suspect in this terrorist attack right now, brooke. >> ivan watson in jerusalem, forgive me, not istanbul. thank you very much. football fans, counting down the hours until super bowl sunday. the game of the year pitting the san francisco 49ers versus the baltimore ravens. you have west coast versus east coast. brother versus brother. coaches jim and john harbaugh will battle one another for the title of super bowl xlvii. next family meal might be awkward. sorry, bro, you beat me. here's what we know for sure. one harbaugh brother will celebrate a big super bowl win and the other one goes home a loser. and cnn and turner sports, rachel nickles joins me live from new orleans. welcome, welcome, welcome. how is it going down there?
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>> thank you, brooke. it's going great. it is new orleans. if anyone complains about this, they really don't know how to have a good time, right? >> i agree. i was there new year's eve, crazy. give me a behind the scenes atmosphere here a couple of days before the game. >> reporter: it is a lot of fun here. there is an interesting mix on the friday before super bowl. you have crazy stuff going on, the last press conferences by the coaches, which in this case was a family affair. john and jim harbaugh on the stage together, which is a super bowl first. pointing out their 97-year-old relatives in the crowd, mom, dad, we don't get that at a super bowl. that was a little bit of fun. telling stories how they broke windows as a kid and who got in trouble for what. on the other hand, you have the serious part of the day, the commissioner gives the state of the state, state of the union press conference and serious issues with that as well. a little bit of everything and it is new orleans. so everyone is out enjoying the town, having fun and celebrating the fact that after hurricane
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katrina, when at one point they didn't know if the saints would come back to the building much less host events like this. they're having a super bowl. >> it is quite a new superdome there in the city. let me just ask you quickly back to roger goodell, commissioner of nfl, giving the news conference in the wake of president obama's interview with the public saying, look, if i had boys, i might think twice about them playing football. they acknowledged that, didn't they? >> absolutely. unless there is something mrs. obama isn't telling us, this isn't going to become an issue for the president, but still an issue for parents. and that's what he was getting at around the country. football used to be the thing everybody sent their kids into. there is a culture in small towns built around the high school football games. the question is, is it something you want your kid playing. and that's what obama was tapping into. commissioner goodell addressed that today. he was gracious, thanked the president for his concerns, that he welcomes that kind of talk. but he did say that not only was
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his own youth football experience, of course, some of the best memories he has, expected him to say that but he talked about the advances the nfl and the league is trying to make. one thing, they'll put independent neurosurgeons on the sidelines, the doctors who are paid by the teams. these will be doctors that players can then consult with individually to see if it is in their interests to go back out on the field. that's a major step. and then also talking about some of the increases in fines, suspensions, things like that. but i got to tell you there is controversy over this. you have a large player contingent who thinks goodell is not addressing the right issues. they released a survey saying nine out of ten of the current player on the field today don't have faith in their team medical staff. they don't think that they're being taken care of the right way, preventatively. that's a big question. is it a matter of the hits on the field, do you fine and
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suspend or on the other side, ed reed, the future hall of fame safety, playing in the game for the ravens, he said i wish they would take some of the money they're fining us and put it into the training rooms. we'll see how this shakes out. >> a big question and big number when you think of the players. rachel nichols, i just want to have a little fun before i let you go as this is your first appearance on my show, a little welcome if you will. so roll with me here. i want to play a little word association game with you. we'll keep it sports related. i'll say something, you tell me what immediately pops into your head. you game? >> reporter: i'm all for it. let's go. >> ray lewis. >> reporter: squirrel. i can explain these later if we need to. >> we'll tweet about that later. >> reporter: you weren't expecting that. >> new orleans. >> reporter: fun. >> beyonce. >> reporter: i'm sorry. beyonce. more fun, i hope. >> manti te'o. >> reporter: invisible? i was going to do the arm around
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the girlfriend, my fake -- my fake companion here. >> how about your real companion, your new turner colleague charles barkley. >> reporter: loud. >> and finally, one of my favorites, since you're on the show last night, piers morgan. >> reporter: fried chicken and i say that because if you watch piers' show later tonight, we'll have an in depth discussion on fried chicken. >> i'm sure piers rachel nichols, awesome job, thank you. before you watch super bowl xlvii on sunday, find out what it means to the city of new orleans. watch rachel's cnn bleacher report special kickoff in new orleans. it airs tomorrow 4:00 p.m. eastern. the man accused of holding a child hostage inside a bunker is being called a loner, a
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survivalist. so what makes an extremist tick? i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. an american idol contestant tells an emotional story about his time in war. but something doesn't quite add up. plus, he's a legend, a hall of famer, and now steven tyler has a legislative bill named after him. wait until you hear this. and a couple's terrifying race to keep their newborn alive in one of the world's most dangerous places. trust me, it is a story you'll never forget.
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all right that's a fifth-floor problem... ok.
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[ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. some of the big stories in a flash, rapid fire. roll it. the 5-year-old being held hostage in a bunker in alabama apparently has not been harmed by his captor. this is according to police who have been communicating with this 65-year-old man, jimmy lee dykes, talking to him through a pipe leading into this bunker. some eight feet under ground. the standoff began tuesday when
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dykes allegedly snatched the boy from his school bus, killing the driver who tried to stop him. now two years after the egyptian uprising, hosni mubarak, this is cairo today. thousands of opponents of president mohamed morsi hurling molotov cocktails, setting off fireworks at the outer wall of the palace compound as a fire burned. this is the entrance of his palace. we're hearing morse write ing inside. and this is the scene, you hear all the chanting, the shouting. this is outside our cnn bureau in cairo. hundreds of protesters chanting in the streets. a week of riots calling for an end to morsi's rule has left up to 60 people dead. a terse response from senator robert menendez to allegations he partied with
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prostitutes in the caribbean. he was asked if he had violated any campaign finance laws on those trips. >> menendez released a statement earlier calling the allegations false, calling it the work of a right wing blog. the allegations were first reported by the online publication daily caller. thanks, the first public word from randy travis after the country star pled guilty to driving while intoxicated from an incident happening this past summer in texas. here he is after his court hearing yesterday. >> thanks for the courtesy of the court here today and the patrolmen, thanks to them for obviously taking care of -- met them today for the first time. and thanks also for the concern and words of -- across the
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country. i'm glad it is behind me. i'm looking forward to getting on with the year and playing some music. >> travis was sentenced to two years probation and $2,000 fine. a huge stash, hundreds have never seen before photos of the beatles now stofr discovered. take a look for yourself. behind the scenes photos from when they were shooting the film "help" in the bahamas. apparently this photographer found the negatives for the photos from some time ago and publ published them. go to, we have never before seen photos of the beatles. it is fantastic stuff. for that. coming up next, want you to stay with me for a very special story. the race to save a baby born way too soon and half a world away, where equipment and expertise to save a tiny life are scarce. the faith and the team work it took to pull this off is entirely inspiring. meet this special family and
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hear their story. this is a personal one for me. we'll explain next. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly
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to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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want to share a story now with you that is a personal one for me. we're going to tell you my connection to this here in a
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moment. this story is about this young american couple, and what sounds to be a pretty harrowing race to keep their little baby boy alive. the backdrop of the whole story, a country all too familiar with violence, with child soldiers, with rape, the south sudan. they were over there doing peace building ministry work and had not exactly planned to have this little baby in one of the most rural areas of the world. but that is precisely what happened and they're here today with me to share their story. wasn't to bring in shelvis and nancy and baby jordan and full transparency, we went to high school together. shelvis is a dear friend of mine and this is the first time i'm meeting jordan. you might want to have a kleenex, a warning now. it is incredible to see you guys. and so special to have you on the show. nancy, you're in the south sudan, you're pregnant, the plan was to get you back to atlanta to have this baby. that plan didn't happen. >> no. >> what happened when you
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started -- where were you when you started having contractions. >> we lived in ye, south sudan. we were home, early one saturday morning, scheduled to leave three days later to come back to atlanta and woke up with contractions about 6:00 a.m. >> what kind of medical equipment, i presume there are no major hospitals in the south sudan, tell me what you had to go through. >> we were extremely fortunate in that there is a hospital that opened the first month of our pregnancy, started by a couple coming from colorado, specifically to focus on maternal and child health, about two miles from where we are. so we went to that hospital, took us 45 minutes because the road is very bumpy and we were having contractions, but we were very grateful to be able to go to that hospital. >> so you have this little one, in this clinic, that had just been built, right? and how early did he come? >> he was seven weeks early. and when we got to the hospital they told us they felt comfortable that we would be able to deliver there, but
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didn't know if they would have the medical equipment he would need coming so early. >> because he was so early, daddy, were you nervous? >> it was a -- a stirring time, but the crazy thing about this, brooke, was that in the midst of all of the chaos, and the anxiety, we felt cared for the entire time. we felt cared for when we were met by dr. jeff perry, we felt cared for when the medical team fashioned together a makeshift device that helped in this child's breathing. we felt cared for when the evacuation team landed on a dirt air strip and took us out of there. we felt cared for when my wife was admitted to the hospital my son in intensive care. she was discharged on friday. i was admitted into the emergency room on saturday for malaria. the entire time, though, food was given to us, clothes provided for us, and the folks just really loved us and cared for us. >> this landing strip, we have pictures of this plane. they put jordan in this incubator, the only one in town,
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on the plane. you go to kenya. you have to be in kenya for a while before you can come home to finally have your family meet the baby. have you had a chance to catch your breath? >> we enjoyed being home for the holidays. it has been great. >> so before i lotet you go, th is baby number one. >> baby number one. >> is this the first american ever born in the south sudan? >> that's what they have told us. when we arrived in nairobi, a representative from the embassy came to the hospital and she explained that to the best of her knowledge, and to the best of the embassy's knowledge, he's the first american born in south sudan of american born parents. >> and i'm so glad we got you on the show today because tomorrow you're hopping on the plane. you're going back to africa like this. tell me about the work you guys have been involved in. >> we work with an ecumenical south sudanese administration addressing issues of trauma and conflict in south sudan, specifically nancy and i are
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working with the reconcile peace institute. that's bringing leaders from all over the nation, and helping to train them so they can better address trauma and better address conflict in their communities. >> we're excited to go back. >> i'm excited for you. i'm excited for you. i feel like i'm having a bit of an out of body experience because i've known you for so long and meeting him. congratulations. i love you both. we'll be right back. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes?
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and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs.
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and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. a pilot loses consciousness in the middle of a flight. this happened from los angeles to seattle. the plane had to be diverted to portland, oregon. now doctors are revealing why. rene marsh joins me live from d.c. what happened? >> this is scary. the flight was actually midair when the pilot passed out, 116 passengers and five crew members were on board at the time when the plane had to make this emergency landing at portland international airport in oregon.
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listen to the passengers that were on that flight when this all happened. >> and then all of a sudden, the attendant started running up and down the aisle. i had never seen them go so fast. >> the cockpit door opened and they laid the pilot on to the floor. and went and got the defibrillator, i think, that's what it was or some medical equipment. >> well, the plane took off from l.a.x. airport in los angeles. it was bound for seattle. the co-pilot had to take over the controls and he alerted air traffic control that they were coming in for that emergency landing. listen in to part of that conversation. >> how is your pilot on board? >> he is sitting in a seat and he's very aware. last i heard he was on oxygen. i don't believe there is a crisis. >> well, an alaska airlines spokesperson we spoke to today, they say the pilot's condition is, quote, greatly improved. and that doctors believe food poisoning or the flu virus
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caused the pilot to pass out. passengers say everyone remained calm as a doctor who just happened to be on board treated the pilot. we should add, brooke, the plane landed safely and medics on the ground rushed that pilot to a local hospital and the passengers themselves, they were rebooked on other flights. thank goodness everyone was safe. >> rene, thank you very much, for me, in washington. bottom of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin. football can be a tough and brutal game. people are talking, of course, about the dangers of the sport. nfl commissioner roger goodell responding to president obama's recent comments about not letting a son, if he were to have a son, thinking twice about having a son to play football. >> i welcome the president's comments because it has been a priority and we want to make sure that people understand what we're doing to make our game safer. not just in the nfl, but
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throughout sports. and the changes we're making in the nfl, i think, are changing all of sports. there is a better recognition of head injuries, of treating them conservatively, and that affects every sport. >> dr. sanjay gupta joins me here. and, you know, i know you've been talking about players, the dangers, head injuries, et cetera. what do you make of all of this? >> you hear from the nfl commissioner. five years ago that type of exchange, that type of conversation wouldn't have been had. there is a lot more data, we know more objectively what the blows to the head, both concussive blows and other blows to the head do to someone in the longer term. there is a lot of people who are involved with this. the players union and the nfl and the players themselves. i had a chance to sit down and talk to the widow of a football play, the football player, shane dronat played for the falcons
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and he explained how he turned from this fun loving husband and dad to a different person. listen to how she put it. >> i knew that it wasn't him, even just looking in his eyes, he wasn't there. it was just a blank stare. >> four years after her husband shot himself to death, chris dronett has memory of the last few days. shane was known as a fierce competitor. >> shane had a look about him. wasn't a mean guy, you know, good smile, spoke to people, but you knew not to mess with him. >> reporter: when i first met chris and her youngest daughter haley, they told me about a side that fans didn't get to see. tell me about shane, what kind of guy was he? >> he was a fantastic dad, great father, wonderful husband. >> just the best dad in the world.
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>> reporter: chris believes that shane was changed by the repeated blows he took on the field. blows to the head. >> after every game, shane would have the most horrible headaches, just awful headaches, and, you know, the light would be so bright for him. then he would take aspirin. the headache would go away. but the injury didn't go away. >> reporter: i went to visit boston university where they studied the brains of former nfl players including dronett's. in his case, they found evidence of cte. it is a brain disease that can develop from repeated head injuries, it's been associated with depression and compulsive acts. those are consistent with the personality changes chris says she witnessed. >> he just had become very agitated, very paranoid, very forgetful, distant with the kids, and -- which is very out of character for him because he had always been so full of life,
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and fun and a prankster. >> reporter: now he's one of more than 4,000 former players and family members who have filed suits against the nfl. the nfl's asked for that case to be thrown out. it said the nfl has long made player safety a priority and continues to do so. any allegation that the nfl intentionally sought to mislead players has no merit. as for the dronetts, they're trying to keep his memory alive and move forward. >> they have gone through high school without their dad. so it is difficult. >> i imagine it is very difficult. >> it is the reality. we hear these statistics all the time. hear about them more and more as we learn about football and the concussions. but, i wanted you to meet somebody who has gone through this. she's helping counsel a lot of other wives of football players. >> current players. >> current players. and even some of the retired players because these are people that are still pretty young and have no idea sometimes why they're changing so much, developing the depression, developing the memory loss,
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developing the rage. >> how old are they? >> 30s or 40s. football players, retirement comes at a young age and there wasn't a name for this sort of triad, and so far it only has been able to be diagnosed after somebody has died. there is new studies looking at doing this while people are alive still to see if you can diagnose it earlier, but this is just the reality for someone like chris and her family. >> unreal. sanjay, thank you very much. and don't forget, sanjay gupt a, tune in. we're talking about that monday, i think, you and i have a date next week, i believe. it is on. i'm getting new information here about the standoff now under way involving the child being held hostage in a bunker in alabama. police say they're about to make a major revelation. be right back.
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an american soldier hoping to become an american idol. ♪ long time coming but i know ♪ ♪ change is going to come oh, yes it is ♪ >> matt farmer auditioning here. he tells judges about a brain injury he sustained after an ied hit him while he was serving in iraq. he says there were fears his medication might have made him sterile. and then his little girl joins him on stage. there she is. and he gets a four-way yes from the judges. pretty inspiring, right? well, guess what, turns out this story was a lie. today he issued this statement. this is what he said. it was all lies. to think that i would go on a national tv show and get away with continuing a lie so big, and so deeply imbedded in my life and brain is ridiculous. goes on, i was told to keep
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quiet and not talk to anyone and i have decided that what's best for me and my family is to come out and end the insanity. martin savidge following this one for us. this guy has been e-mailing you. what is he telling you? >> it was such a made for tv moment. precious little girl, and he has talent. >> yeah. >> but he also has a talent for lying. he's been e-mailing me. we have been pushing him to get an interview. if you feel sincere, talk to us. he said, well, it was in my post, i want to come clean regardless of what i was being told to, quote/unquote, stay hushed. doesn't explain that. he says at this time i'm not in the best of mental states to call and talk. a bit scattered. but would like to call and let people hear to set the record straight as soon as i can and as soon as i get checked out i will make sure i am okay. that's what he's saying right now. >> okay. what about the mother of this child, on stage with him. >> that's his ex-wife. they were married for about a year. that is their little girl.
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and she says, look, she did not have any idea that this little girl was going to make an appearance on "american idol." she gave no permission for her ex-husband to take her on the program there. and then on top of that, she says she knows that he was using their daughter in order to gain sympathy, she looks beautiful. and then on top of that, she thinks perhaps to try and ingratiate himself with the judges or maybe to earn more votes from the audience. now that little girl is looking at her mother and saying why did daddy lie? it is heart breaking for the mom. >> was daddy's lie all a lie? >> it was. >> the whole thing? >> no, not all of it. that is the thing that is sad. he did go to iraq. he was in the military. he was in harm's way. >> no ied. >> no ied, yeah. and he didn't do the other things that he said. he's claimed in other cases he was in afghanistan. this was a man that did risk his life, did dedicate himself to the country. he does have problems. he does need help.
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maybe he needs some time and space to get this worked out. >> martin savidge, what a story. that's what it is. martin, thank you very much. an update on the story we have been following, the hostage situation in alabama unfolding since tuesday, this 5-year-old boy being held by this 65-year-old. let me get a sneak peek. his name, jamie lee dykes. this sheriff in alabama is saying this major development in this case is the fact that they're going to release his -- the suspect's photo. and to quote, the sheriff, he said, he can't hide forever. he's in this underground bunker, this child is a special needs child, needs medication. police are in constant -- not constant communication, they're in communication because this child is getting his medication, getting crayons, getting coloring books, so they are talking, but can you imagine, the family here waiting with bated breath to find out if their little one is k-okay. i'm hearing in my irear, just le that, here he is.
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this is the suspect building the underground bunker, eight feet underground in this rural area of alabama. this is jimmy lee dykes and the sheriff in dale county just released this. back in a moment. she's still the one for you - you know it even after all these years. but your erectile dysfunction -
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if you think steven tyler is just kicking back, relaxing since he left the judges' throne at "american idol," think again.
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he's now had some legislation named after him in hawaii. yep. called the steven tyler act, a bill that would do more to stop the paparazzi from stalking and invading the privacy of celebrity. and our political reporter, in the studio, face to face. what's going on? why steven tyler? who is backing this bill? >> it is in hawaii. we're talking about a 17th state legislature and the senate saying we have a lot of celebrities coming here to hawaii and they're getting stalked, coming to escape the paparazzi, cameras, and fans or whatever on the main land, coming here to relax, getting stalked and their private space, this is private, so a lot of times the celebs they're in houses and someone with a huge megaphoto, telephoto lens is peering through the window. i'll read a little bit from it. some of the reasoning or
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rational, have the actual bill here in my hand. though their celebrity status may justify a lower expectation of privacy, the legislature finds that sometimes the paparazzi goes too far to disturb the peace and tranquility afforded celebrities that escape to hawaii for a quiet life. one other little thing, many celebrities are deterred from buying property or vacationing in hawaii because the same paparazzi that harass them on the main land are more likely to follow them to hawaii. there is a little bit of an economic component to this also. this bill basically says, you know what, we want to put a stop to that for these people who are coming over here, paparazzi, photographers, whatever, for commercial gain to capture some of the celebrities. >> so hang on, are all these paparazzi coming over to hawaii to try to
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and have not heard back. this is what the state senator behind this bill has told me that steven tyler said, you know what, enough. let's do something about this. >> one of his constituents. shannon travis, thank you, my friend. political pop, we'll do it again. as we are trying to do more often and every friday at this time, i want to give you a little look behind the scenes here on our show. i asked you to ask me questions on twitter. we call it the week wind down. here's a piece. >> who is the funnest co-anchor to work with? well, you know, i have tv crushes and i think it's sort of
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mutual, wolf and piers morgan. but my main man, john berman who i'm lucky to work with during early mornings. this dude is hilarious. [ mrs. hutchison ] friday night has always been all fun and games here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us.
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shine on the big apple is a little dimmer today. ed koch led the city for 12 year, out spoken, unforgettable.
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just last month talked to piers morgan about his tombstone. >> there it is. you're in a unique position of writing or verbally espousing your own obituary. what was your thinking behind that? >> it was the only operating cemetery. i wanted to be buried in manhattan and the trinity church has a nondenominational cemetery, which is what this is. and it's the only functioning one. the one down at wall street, you have to be incinerated. >> what do you think when you -- >> well, i tell you, i'm secular, but i believe in god.
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i believe in the here after. i believe in reward and punishment and i expect to be rewarded. god gave me a really good hand to play over my 88 years. i have no regrets. >> what have been your greatest achievements. >> being mayor of new york. here i am 22 years out of office. i walk down the streets. people who were 8 years old when i was mayor know me. the model, how i'm doing, everybody knows that. i first uttered it in 1969. new york, the people have given me so much. on my gravestone i say, i fiercely love the people of new york. >> his motto was, how i'm doing? the inscription is, quote, my father is jewish, my mother is jewish, i am jewish.
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he had koch, 88 years old. for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning,
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larry, where are we going? he goes, my place. i thought, oh, mother of god. so we go to his place and it was covered with proclamation. it was all over his apartment. that was


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